Alienating Entertainment relies on Star Power (Men in Black: International review)

The Men in Black franchise started strong. One of the breakout hits of the 1990’s, it set up a film series that has somehow survived a terrible second instalment and a mediocre third one to now somehow deserve a spin off. ‘Men in Black: International’ takes all the fun aspects of the world that was … Continue reading Alienating Entertainment relies on Star Power (Men in Black: International review)

80’s Sci-Fi reboot should be left in the past (The Predator review)

Shane Black is one of the highest regarded writer directors working currently, known for writing ‘Lethal Weapon’ 1 and 2, and for writing/directing ‘Iron Man 3’, ‘The Nice Guys’ and ‘Kiss Kiss Bang Bang’ (all great films). Unfortunately, his latest film continuing the Predator franchise is a break from his pretty consistent track record, and one that features a dull story, ropey CGI and offensive stereotypes.